Data Acceptance

Once the submitted data successfully navigates through the rigorous public voting stage, it reaches the final stage of acceptance. At this juncture, the data is officially integrated into our decentralized database. This final step marks the culmination of a transparent and community-driven validation process, ensuring the data's integrity and reliability.

Official Acceptance and Integration

After passing the public voting stage, the data is officially accepted and integrated into our database, making it accessible and usable for all participants.

Issuance of Rewards

Simultaneously, the final stage also triggers the issuance of rewards to the submitter. These rewards are appreciation and incentivization for their contribution to the network. The amount of rewards is calculated based on a predefined reward structure, which considers factors such as the significance of the data, the effort involved in its submission, and its impact on the network.

Challenge Mechanism

Despite the thorough validation and acceptance process, the decentralized nature of Web3 allows for continuous scrutiny and improvement. While rare, other users retain the right to challenge the accepted data. This can occur if new evidence or information contradicts the accepted data. Users can initiate a challenge by submitting their evidence through the same decentralized and transparent process. This evidence is then subjected to a new round of public voting and consensus mechanisms. If the challenge is deemed valid, the database will be updated accordingly.

Continuous Improvement

This mechanism ensures that the data within our database remains dynamic and subject to continuous verification and validation, embodying the principles of transparency, decentralization, and community governance that are foundational to Web3. In summary, the final stage of data acceptance integrates verified data into our database and reinforces the community-driven ethos by rewarding contributors and allowing ongoing challenges to ensure data integrity. This process ensures that our database remains accurate, reliable, and continuously evolving in line with new information and evidence.

Last updated