Smart Contract

Contract Deployer

How to collect: The address of the contract deployer is usually found in the creator field of the smart contract. To find these addresses, you can use a blockchain browser to view the creator or transaction history of the smart contract.

  • Example 1: Use Etherscan to view the creator address of an Ethereum smart contract to determine the deployer of the contract.

  • Example 2: Query the smart contract creator of Binance Smart Chain to find the deployer address of the contract.

Deprecated Smart Contract

How to collect: Abandoned smart contracts are usually announced by the project's development team and corresponding comments or labels are added to the contract. To find these addresses, you can check the project's official announcement or the source code of the smart contract.

  • Example 1: Check a deprecated ERC-20 token contract on Ethereum to see that the contract is no longer active.

  • Example 2: Read the project's official GitHub repository to see information about deprecated smart contracts.

Smart Contract

How to collect: To find addresses related to smart contracts, you can check the official documentation of smart contract projects, blockchain browsers, and developer communities to learn about addresses and transactions related to specific smart contracts.

  • Example 1: Use the Ethereum blockchain browser to view the address and transaction history of the smart contract.

  • Example 2: Participate in discussions in the Solidity Developer Community to learn about smart contract addresses and development.

Last updated