Wallet and Storage

Cold Storage

How to collect: Cold wallets are usually stored offline and hard to track. To obtain a cold wallet address, you can check the official documents, white papers, or security announcements related to the project. The address of a cold wallet is usually not known to the public for security purposes.

  • Example 2: Visit Trezor hardware wallet


How to collect: Multi-signature addresses are usually publicly visible on the blockchain. However, to understand their purpose and owner, you need to look at the relevant smart contract code or blockchain browser.

  • Example 1: Find Gnosis Safe's multi-signature address of and view the contract code to understand the specific rules and owners of multi-signature.

  • Example 2: Parity Multisig Wallet. Use the blockchain browser to look up the Parity multisig address in the blockchain browser to get information about its owner and usage.


How to collect: To find the address associated with the wallet, you can look at common cryptocurrency wallet services and blockchain explorers.

  • Example 1: Visit the official website of MetaMask wallet to view the wallet address and detailed information.

  • Example 2: Use a blockchain browser such as Etherscan to search and view the transaction history of different wallet addresses.

Last updated