Risk and Security

Blackmailing Activities

How to collect: Use professional dark web monitoring tools such as DarkOwl to search dark web forums, markets, and chat rooms to find addresses and information related to extortion. These tools usually provide keyword search and monitoring services.

  • Example: Search for keywords (e.g., "ransomware," "extortion") in DarkOwl to find blackmail-related dark web addresses.


How to collect: Cybercrime addresses are usually related to hackers, ransomware, or data theft. To find these addresses, you can pay attention to news coverage related to cybercrime incidents, announcements from law enforcement agencies, or reports from blockchain analysis companies.

  • Example 1: Read coverage to learn about the latest cybercrime incidents and look up the cryptocurrency addresses involved.

  • Example 2: Inquire announcements from law enforcement agencies, such as the FBI, for information about cybercrime incidents and related addresses they are investigating.


How to collect: Dark web addresses are usually not public and are associated with illegal activities. To find these addresses, it is usually necessary to investigate illicit markets and dark web communities. Please note that activities related to the dark web may be illicit.

  • Example 1: Get the latest intelligence on dark web markets, including market names and addresses.

  • Example 2: Join online forums about cybercrime and dark web activities for more information.

Financial Crimes, Other

How to collect: Finding addresses related to other financial crimes can be achieved through blockchain analysis of company reports, government entity announcements, and related coverage. These addresses are usually associated with fraud, money laundering, tax evasion, and other activities.

  • Example 1: Read the FinCEN report for addresses related to other financial crimes.

  • Example 2: Follow the announcement of the International Anti Money Laundering Organization (FATF) to learn about the latest developments in the global fight against financial crime.


How to collect: The address of the fraud-proof contract can usually be found in the project's white paper, official documents, or blockchain browser. To find these addresses, you can visit the project's official resources or query the blockchain browser.

  • Example 1: Read Chainlink's whitepaper to see the address of its fraud-proof contract.

High Risk, Other

How to collect: Finding other high-risk addresses usually requires relying on reports from blockchain analysis companies, announcements from government entities, and relevant coverage. These addresses may be involved in various high-risk activities such as fraud, money laundering, and illegal activities.

  • Example 1: Read reports from blockchain analytics companies such as CipherTrace or Chainalysis for examples of other high-risk addresses.

  • Example 2: Watch announcements from international financial regulators for warnings about other high-risk activities.


How to collect: Please take precautions when searching for Honeypot addresses. Honeypot is a fake address designed to induce attackers to invade. One way to understand Honeypot addresses is to obtain information through reports in the security community or discussion forums. Another method is to analyze transaction history. If an address appears to have no apparent activity or only a one-time large transfer, it may be Honeypot.

  • Example 1: Honeypot reports that focus on the cyber security community, such as the Honeypot attack incident of the Bee Token project.

  • Example 2: Transaction history analysis. If you see some abnormal activity, it may be Honeypot.

Malicious Mining Activities

How to collect: Finding addresses associated with malicious mining activities typically relies on cyber security reports, malicious software analysis, or a professional security team. These sources often provide information about malicious mining addresses.

  • Example 1: Find Cyber security reports published by cyber security companies and learn about addresses for malicious mining activities.

  • Example 2: Analysis of malicious mining software samples helps determine the relevant address.


How to collect: Finding addresses associated with malicious software usually requires access to cyber security reports, anti-malicious software team resources, or specialized security teams. These resources usually provide addresses about malicious software use.

  • Example 1: Look for reports published by cyber security companies to learn about addresses for the spread of malicious software.

  • Example 2: Refer to the anti-malicious software team blog or report for information about malicious software addresses.

Money Laundering

How to collect: To monitor addresses involved in money laundering activities, you must cooperate with companies or institutions that focus on blockchain analysis and regulatory compliance to access their professional tools and databases, which can detect suspicious transactions and addresses.

  • Example 1: Use Chainalysis or other blockchain analytics company tools to monitor and detect addresses that may be involved in money laundering activities.

  • Example 2: Regulatory compliance agencies: Collaborate with regulatory compliance agencies to share suspicious address information to ensure compliance.


How to collect: To find phishing addresses, you can look at a list of anti-phishing tools and service providers that often warn users about known phishing addresses.

  • Example 1: Use cryptocurrency wallets such as MetaMask, whose built-in anti-phishing tools can help you detect and avoid entering phishing websites.

  • Example 2: Install anti-phishing browser plugins such as EtherAddressLookup from MetaMask to provide an additional layer of protection.

Ponzi Scheme

How to collect: To find addresses associated with Ponzi schemes, you can check cryptocurrency news and community forums to find reports or warnings regarding Ponzi schemes.

  • Example 1: Participate in discussions in the cryptocurrency community to obtain information about potential Ponzi schemes, including relevant addresses.

  • Example 2: Read articles on cryptocurrency news sites for updates on Ponzi schemes and reports of victims.


How to collect: To find addresses related to Ransomware, you can look at Ransomware's analytics reports and security studies to understand addresses related to a specific ransomware campaign.

  • Example 1: View reports on Ransomware published by cyber security companies. These reports typically include relevant addresses and payment requirements.

  • Example 2: Use Threat Intelligence Platforms to learn details about ransomware activities, including relevant addresses and victim reports.


How to collect: To find addresses related to scams, you can check cryptocurrency social media groups, forums, and coverage for complaints and warnings from other users.

  • Example 1: Participate in discussions in the cryptocurrency community and learn about information other users share involving fraudulent addresses.

  • Example 2: Read articles on cryptocurrency news sites for coverage of cryptocurrency scam activities.


How to collect: To find addresses related to spam, you can look at the history of blockchain transactions and smart contracts to identify addresses that send spam.

  • Example 1: Analyze blockchain transaction records to find addresses that frequently send irrelevant information.

  • Example 2: View the call history of smart contracts to detect whether contracts are used to send spam messages.


How to collect: To find addresses related to terrorism, you can look at warnings issued by international security agencies and government reports on counter-terrorism operations.

  • Example 1: Review reports issued by international security agencies on terrorist financing, which may include relevant addresses.

  • Example 2: Study the counter-terrorism reports issued by the government to understand the addresses related to terrorist activities.


How to collect: To find addresses associated with the theft, you can look up coverage on cryptocurrency exchanges, wallet services, and blockchain security.

  • Example 1: Read the coverage of cryptocurrency exchange security events and see the relevant address.

  • Example 2: Visit the blockchain security company's blog to learn more about theft and related addresses.


How to collect: To find vulnerable addresses, you can look at security research reports, vulnerability disclosures, and discussions in the blockchain security community.

  • Example 1: Read security research reports on blockchain vulnerabilities and vulnerable contracts to learn about relevant addresses.

  • Example 2: View vulnerability information on the vulnerability disclosure platform, including vulnerable addresses.


How to collect: To find addresses related to weapons, you can look at relevant regulations and reports from international security agencies for addresses that may be involved in weapons transactions.

  • Example 1: Read the reports issued by international security agencies to find out the addresses related to the illegal arms trade.

  • Example 2: View United Nations reports on the illicit arms trade for addresses and activities.

Last updated