Task with Known Address

Blockchain transactions contain addresses with significant capital and trading volume. Addresses such as exchange hot wallets and top bridges are pretty crucial. Identifying the identity and function of these addresses as early as possible while complying with privacy compliance can help us understand transaction behavior more clearly and transparently, and the whole process is beneficial for the ecosystem.

Compared with the method of "entity finding address," "address finding entity and label" is more challenging and requires you to have the ability of web3 data analysis, information collection, and other expertise. We will provide some examples in the coming blogs. When you submit evidence of such bounty, the more information you have, the higher the probability of your bounty passing.

Overall, it includes but is not limited to the following types of methods:

Transaction analysis

View the transaction history and patterns of the address, identify the counterparty information of high-frequency and high-value transactions in 1-hop and 2-hop, and use blockchain browsers (such as Etherscan) and on-chain analysis tools. For example, if you have had multiple interactions with the Binance hot wallet and the transaction amount is large, it is very likely that this address is also Binance's hot wallet.

Unique on-chain tags

Use blockchain data with tags to identify the entity to which the address belongs. Utilize on-chain data platforms (such as Dune Analytics) and public tag libraries. Search for addresses, check for tag information, and cross-validate address information using public tag libraries.

External resources

Confirm entity identity by combining external data sources such as news coverage and industry reports. Using resources such as Google search, industry reports, and news websites, you can find media coverage or industry reports related to the address, compare the information in coverage with on-chain data, and confirm entity identity.

Social media and forums

Find discussions on addresses in social media and blockchain communities. Utilize Twitter, Reddit, and blockchain forums to search for addresses, view related discussions, follow user comments and analysis, and obtain entity information.

Professional Services

Use professional blockchain analysis services to obtain detailed entity reports. Choose on-chain analysis companies (such as Chainalysis and Elliptic). Subscribe to professional services, submit the address to be queried, obtain detailed analysis reports, and confirm the entity corresponding to the address.

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